Sunday, December 7, 2008


There is a sweet quiet in our home tonight...a hush has fallen as we wait for snow and dream of Christmas. So much of this season is about anticipation, about waiting. Waiting for the celebrations, the wonder, the gifts. Waiting for our sweet Jesus.

O, Lord, help us to let this hush linger here, help us to quiet our hearts and to wait on you.

Candlelight flickers and the Word on the page before me dances on my lap, leaping to life. The Light of the World takes a breath, puts on this flesh and is here. Let us seek you as we wait before you today sweet Word of life.


Jodi said...

Mmmm...amen, Sister. I need to spend more time quieting my heart and less time adding things to my to-do list.

(And I love being your blog buddy too!)

Anna Morrison said...

so sweet.