Monday, October 20, 2008

Rappin' with Lael

This might seem increbily immature, but we are trying to make up rap songs for each one of our far, Lael is the only one who has been able to benefit from all the fun. We absolutely love hearing the kids bust out the beat box for this one and I can't get enough of Jones making an upside down "w" at the end when we all say "word".... I lost my camera, but a video may much better to hear rap you know... name's Lael Harue-
And I'm here to rap for you (chicka wow, chicka wow wow)
I'm gonna tell you a little story-
and give my God some glory...yeah 1 -2 -3 -4
Oh!... three others came before me-
Who all love and adore me...they adore me, adore me...(this is best when hands wave in the air)
Halle, Maia and Jones, that's the way it goes...yeah.
I...was... b-lessed with a really big family,
And they were sure happy to have me,
We trust the God who made me,
And I'm a really cool bab-y.


Patti said...

I am so excited to read this post after you talked about your family rap the other night. i love it! i must hear the beat box.

Anonymous said...

Love the rap! Lael is adorable!

Mommy Mary said...

That is so cute!!
I love the feel of your blog
just came across you from Kendra at Preschoolers and Peace.