Thursday, January 1, 2009

Blessin' the Be-Snickers Off...

this guy.
One of my favorite people (that I would love to actually meet someday!) is Debi Pearl. She speaks rather boldly, but her words are always peppered with love and hope. She clearly has fun in all she does,she draws her children into the beauty of a life in Christ and she is crazy about Jesus.This is a quote from her that I have tucked away:
" A wise woman understands that her husband's need to be honored is not based on his performance, but on his nature and his God-ordained position. She learns quickly to defer to his ideas or plans with enthusiasm. She looks for ways to reverence him. She knows this is God's will for her life."
That can really be a big one to swallow. I think the first time I read it, I through my book in the mud. (It actually just kind of slipped out of my hand...but whatever). In hindsight and after nearly nine years of marriage, I know think that there is nothing that has transformed by life more, save for the grace of Jesus redeeming me, than this principle. It is awe-filled and truly the sweetest of mysteries!
The New Year is so full of reflection and resolution and hope for the future. As I think about what I want to focus on in 2009, I mostly want to be about helping my man. I want him to know how wild I am about him, how much I appreciate him and admire him and I want to be generous in how I care for him in my words and actions. I am going to post little challenges each day that I hope will help keep me accountable to intenionally blessing my man and that I hope will encourage a community here that can spur one another on in this. You are all such creative, fun ladies, you are certainly going to have some stellar ideas to share right? Be blessed friends and enjoy your men today!
Since its snowing pretty much everywhere right about just making your husband a special hot drink as a start today. Serve it with a smile and a kiss and if you have whip cream...use it! Happy New Year!

"Every wise woman buildeth her house; but the foolish plucketh it down with her own hands." ~Proverbs 14:1


Delena said...

I love your post. One of my resolutions is to make Doug feel like a king. I would love to read your challenges and use some of them.

dawn klinge said...

I look forward to reading these challenges you plan on posting and carrying them out. I love what you said here. Happy new year!

Jodi said...

Yes yes yes! So encouraging.

And I'm chuckling over the term "be-snickers". You're cute. :)

Anna Morrison said...

i, too, want this so badly . . . to be determined, daily, to please, serve, love and enjoy my man. it can be a lot of work- but it is good and right.
i appreciate your heart. thank you for spurring other wives on with this.
happy new year, kristen! keep shining bright!!

Kristen said...

That's awesome. Thanks for sharing this. :)

Karin said...

Kristen, you are a rare gem of a woman! Thank you for using your gift with words to put this out there to insire and encourage. I have been in awe of the amazing man God gave to me and having loads of fun and romance with him. Here is to a 2009 filled with much more including lots of laughter! ~ Karin